Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Things I Learned

 Some relationships are meant to be seasonal.

People will grow together and apart.

Beauty can be found in both.

Outgrowing a relatonship doesn't always look messy or chaotic.

Sometimes it looks and feels like peace.

Just because one person hurt you doesn't mean others will do the same.

You can grieve relationships and connections that could've been and still decide that being apart is healthiest for your growth.

Leaving people behind doesn't mean you don't love them or wish them well.

It is not too much to ask for reciprocity in relationships.

Loving someone else isn't synonymouse with leaving yourself behind.

You deserve healthy relationships.

Don't talk yourself out of it.

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 "I feel so deeply and care so much for others but many people don't realize this because my introversion can put people off."